Muofhe Manavhela | Fever Realities


Kalashnikovv Gallery

Before entering a space, I see it fit to manifest and dream. To conjure up all my desires and to articulate them, paintbrush to canvas. To remember that I can be the wildest of my manifestations as much as I can hope them. This is the centre from which my earlier works incepts.

I begin with an ambition, and I colour it bright enough to not miss it; I channel desire, and I lay it out with filled compositions. And when all is said and done, I step back and see my dreams looking back at me.

This body of work is an extension of my yearn; for life that is. The wild fever dreams that seem too foreign to think of. And sometimes the truths of life that seem too vibrant to exist. But they do, and if not they will.

Where my dreams exist in my mind, they too exist in my life; and in many ways and none, these paintings are a depiction of that. The vibrancy screams loud enough that it deserves its own context; the duality of Muofhe is such that a voice so soft can still be heard in bright colours.


Kylie Wentzel | STRAY


Craig Smith | Compass