Ayanda Mabulu & Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp -

12.10.17 – 24.10.17
Duo Exhibition at
Kalashnikovv Gallery,

Ayanda Mabulu
Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp

The artworks of Ayanda Mabulu and Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp often explore themes such as political commentary, satire, government corruption, post-apartheid identity, censorship and the media’s ability to shape perceptions of reality. In this latest exhibition, new works from each artist are paired together to create a type of dual vision where a single narrative is translated from two separate viewpoints.

While there is a large cross over between personal and political ideologies, each artist has formulated their response to current South African events in isolation and with a unique visual language that casts each voice in a different light.

The title of the exhibition refers to the proclamation “freedom of speech” as well as The South African Protection of State Information Bill, commonly referred to as the Secrecy Bill and the South African Bill of Rights. The “secrecy bill” was passed by the National Assembly in April 2013 after tremendous criticism and allegations that the bill would ultimately be used to decrease Government transparency and cover up corruption. The title is also linked to section 16 of the constitutional Bill of Rights which declares: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes: freedom of the press and other media, freedom to receive or impart information or ideas and freedom of artistic creativity.”

The notion of protection granted by the Constitution becomes slightly comical when considering that both Mabulu and Beauchamp have received numerous threats against their person along with constant harassment due to the ideas portrayed within their artworks. For this reason, the word “speech” has been censored to read “eech” pertaining to our individual freedoms as South African citizens.

Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp and Ayanda Mabulu at Exhibition Opening

Ayanda Mabulu, 'Comemorativo II', 2017, Mixed media collage with black composite frame, 2110 x 1700mm

Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp, 'Free Banana', 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 1240mm x 1540mm

Ayanda Mabulu, ‘Self’, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 1700 x 1400mm

Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp, 'Cleer Blks', 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 1240 x 1540mm

Interview with Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp and Ayanda Mabulu in Sunday Times

Exhibition Review in the Sunday Times

Mxolisi Vusi Beauchamp, 'We Are Eating Them', 2017, Mixed media on Fabriano paper, 670 x 860mm




Craig Smith - BATTLE LINES